Health & Diet

Our Recommendation for the perfect Training Results

Our overall health, physical, mental, emotional, are each connected and affect one another.
On top of exercise and physical activity, the foods that we consume have a massive impact on all aspects of our health.
We highly recommend for every individual to avoidprocessed and refined foods since they have a negative impact on our health.

The best way to truly make a change, promote health and diet for our families and our communities is to STOP supporting and consuming all the processed foods with harmful ingredients that are in grocery store shelves. We recommend consuming and supporting only REAL whole foods and produce.

The diet we recommend as a generalization for all people, (exceptions for people with allergies, intolerance to certain foods, and/or health complications), is a high protein, medium/high fat, low carb diet (high carb as an exception to those who are highly active) .
The proteins and fats come together as the most important since they contain most of the nutrition that our bodies need (we recommend lamb, beef, fish/seafood, whole eggs, chicken with the skin and fat, whole natural proteins and fats).

As for carbohydrates, you want to get your "carbs" from mostly a variety of nutritious fruits and vegetables, and a small amount of grains.

Diet and nutrition is really the most important thing for our health. The term "you are what you eat" is actually biologically and physiologically a highly studied and provenfactOur bodies are literally physically made up of what we eat
(No, you won't actually turn into a donut, at least we hope not).

All in all, for optimal health, we should consume only nutrient dense foods,  paired up with 30-60 minutes of exercise and physical activity daily.

To end on the most important note, diet and proper nutrition from eating nutrient dense foods are a necessity for young developing children, not only for physical development, but especially for neurological/brain development and health.